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Monday, August 10, 2009

# 4

I just got home from round 4. As usual the treatment was messed up. The infusion center and the doctor's office just don't communicate. I was supposed to have a new nausea medicine with this treatment and the infusion center didn't know anything about it and the doctor didn't call it into the pharmacy. They couldn't get the medicine from the pharmacy before my treatment so I guess I will just have nausea for the next 5 days.

In 2 weeks on the 24th, I will have another PET scan. If they see no cancer on the scans I will still have 2 more treatments for a total of 6. If they see anything I will get 8 treatments. I'm really hoping for the scans to be clean. Mentally each treatment gets harder and harder. Even when I'm feeling good I can't stop thinking about the next treatment.

I'll let you know the results of the scan.