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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

# 5 and PET scan results

Yesterday I had #5 which unfortunately is not my penultimate treatment. Penultimate is one of the few big words I know which means next to last. So I will have eight treatments. The PET scan showed that all the secondary tumors in my arm pits and chest could not be detected. The large tumor around my ureter could still be detected but at a lessor intensity. I asked the doctor if he could give me a percentage of shrinkage. He stated that a PET scan just lights up if it detects cancer and could not get me a percentage of shrinkage. Obviously I'm disappointed that I have to have 8 treatments, but that is what I was expecting. I didn't have much time to talk to my doctor and at the time didn't really have time to process the news. I don't know if I should view the results as negative or if I'm progressing as expected. The doctor did mention other treatments after my chemo is finished but the Akron doctor seems to be more negative than the Cleveland Clinic doctor. I have an appointment with my Cleveland Clinic doctor on the 10th of Sept. and hope to get some my questions answered. I will let you know the outcome of that appointment.


  1. Hang in there. That sucks to think you're almost done, and then have two more treatments. It's easy to talk about the long term, but I see what you mean about dreading doing the process again.

  2. Hi Bob. Just came across your blog tonight..googling symptoms. I'm also getting R-CHOP dx May 1,09 fNHL grade 3b stage 4. We seem to be in a similar boat.
    Can't see a way to email you so.. here's my blog You can email from there if you would like to be in notes and stomach aches.
    All the best. -Jen

  3. I've been following your blog and sending you positive thoughts.
    Susie (Mattler) Carbon

  4. Hi Bob,
    Just checking in to see if you're ok. I'm thinking you would have had a couple more treatments by now. I'm hoping that it's just the business of life that is keeping you away from your blog.
    You're still in my thoughts and prayers,
