Choose a head covering

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Round 2

On Monday I had my second round of chemo. It was just like the first round except a little shorter because your body is used to the chemo and they administer it faster. I'm not feeling as bad this time as compared to the last treatment. My nausea is there but not horrible, and I don't have as much of the foggy "chemo brain".

I shaved my head yesterday. On Tuesday last week I had some hair on my pillow and I got my hair cut short on Thursday. My hair just thinned more and more Friday through Sunday. But by Monday is was really falling out. So Tuesday morning I got out the razor and shaved it all off. I glad I did. It was very depressing seeing hair on the pillow every morning and all in the shower. The amazing thing is I can't believe how hot i look;-)

So far I going with the Kojak look. It is a great way to scare old ladies and kids. But I need a little sun on the top of my head. It is very white up there right now. Thanks for all your votes.


  1. Bald men are sexy! Can't wait to see a picture.

  2. I bet you do look hot with the Kojak look!!!
    You had me laughing....and on a Monday that's not an easy thing.
