Choose a head covering

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chemo week 3

This week has been great. I have lot of energy. My stomach is not upset. I've been eating like a pig! I might even break into the 140 pounds club. So if this is the pattern of one bad week after chemo and then two good weeks I can deal with it.

On the downside there was lots of hair on my pillow this morning. The doctor told me I would lose my hair. But the infusion nurse said I may not. I was resigned to the fact I was going to lose my hair until the nurse gave me hope. I was hoping I would dodge this bullet, but I guess you can't be a "real" chemo patient if you don't lose your hair. I'm going to take a preemptive strike tonight and get my hair buzzed. But after all my hair falls out I have some choices. Please take the survey above to help me choose my new look.

I could go with the natural Kojak look:

The Hulk Hogan doo rag look:

Or the Bret Michaels doo rag plus cowboy hat look:


  1. Hi Bob, Glad you're feeling better this week. You go again on Monday right? I voted for the do-rag so your head doesn't get burned over the summer! Have a good weekend! Hi to Christopher, Celia and Bridget! Love, Michelle

  2. Hi Bob, The Brett Michaels look is truly the one to go with. You could start your own reality show "Bob of Love". Caity had a good time with Celia and Christopher. Caity said that she and Celia had a lot in common. You are in my prayers every day. Rock on:) xo kathy w.

  3. Hi Bob - I'm thinking the Kojak look for you, but I can't really commit until I've seen the shape of your skull. Please post pictures. ;)

  4. Bob: Why go for just one look? I've had friends who changed their look depending on their mood. I had a great time with one of my friends going shopping with her and her boys to pick out hats and scarves. The kids had a great time helping her choose the look of the day! I also had another friend who dyed her hair pink right before chemo since she thought that finding pink hair on the pillow and in the brush was far less depressing than her "real" hair! So, have fun with it!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hope round 2 goes a bit better than round one!



  5. On second thought, I recommend getting your ear pierced and going for the pirate look! (or was that the Mr. Clean look?)
