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Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is not going to be easy

After the first couple of days of chemo I thought I was going to skate through this without it being too bad. Well I was wrong. My stomach is still very upset. Nothing seems to help it. The doctor changed my medicine but it didn't work. I have an appointment with him on Monday so maybe some other medicine will work. The only thing that seems to help is lying down.

The worst thing about this is my head is in a fog. I can't concentrate to read or even watch TV. So I feel like I wandering around doing nothing all day, just waiting until it is time to sleep.

Sorry for the downer of a post, but I said I wasn't going to sugar coat it. Hopefully the next two weeks will be better.


  1. Hi Bob,

    sorry you're feeling so lousy.. Does that mean the medicine is working? I hope your doctor today was able to help you get some relief.



  2. Hi Bob:

    Hopefully some of the side effects are starting to subside a bit for you. The fuzziness and lack of focus you're experiencing is what those in oncology call "Chemo Brain". People I know who've been through this say the first week is typically the worst and then they begin to progressively feel a bit better. Hopefully your doctor can find an anti-nausea medication that will work for you. The chemo veterans I know recommend the following: drinking green tea with honey or also ginger tea, my friend Lori swears by the healing properties of 7-up, and also finding a Chinese restaurant that serves congee (a rice porridge). I can attest to the fact that congee got me through a bout of "Mao's revenge" during a visit to China. Acupuncture and massage therapy are also recognized as treatments for symptoms of chemotherapy. Here are some resources from the American Cancer Society, ChemoCare and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.,,

    Hope you're feeling better soon!


